
Sep 15, 2009

Carrot Juice Benefits For Health

Carrot is an easily available vegetable that has several health benefits. It is a rich natural source of vitamin A and minerals like sulfur, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine and iodine. These nutrients are mostly present in the peel, so you should always use carrots without peeling off their skin. Drinking a glass of carrot juice every morning for a few weeks produces a marked improvement in eyesight. Carrot juice has natural cleansing properties which removes toxins from the body and makes digestion and bowel movements easier.

It is especially useful in treating digestive disorders like constipation and prevents stomach ulcers. Carrot juice also helps maintain the acid-alkaline balance in the bloodstream. Drinking carrot juice is also recommended as a natural remedy for diarrhea, as it replenishes the water and essential nutrients the body loses in this condition. Carrot juice is also popularly known to be of great use in getting rid of intestinal worms. Consumption of carrot juice is also useful in making blemishes on your skin disappear and making your skin glow naturally. External application of carrot on the skin is also useful in cleansing the skin pores and rejuvenating dull skin. The natural antioxidant properties of carrot juice make it an excellent natural skin cleanser.

Regular application of carrot juice also helps postpone the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin, making you look younger. An especially useful home remedy for treating all skin types is to boil a few carrots in water, mash them to pulp, add a tablespoon of honey to it and massage your face with this solution. This tones up the skin without making it excessively dry and gives your face a smooth, flawless appearance. You can also make an effective face scrub at home using carrots. Grate a fresh carrot finely, add to it a teaspoon each of coffee powder and granulated sugar, and apply this paste on your face. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it away with water. Carrot also has natural anti-inflammatory and healing properties, which are useful in treating skin allergies and minor cuts and wounds. You may also use carrot juice beneficially for your hair by blending a few boiled carrots in a mixer with a small bowl of yogurt and an egg, and applying this paste on your hair half an hour before shampooing. This will leave your hair feeling soft and silky. Carrot juice also contains a chemical called beta carotene which helps prevent cancer.