
Oct 6, 2009

Organic Vegetable Garden Planting Tips

Vegetable garden planting is becoming one of the crazes today, especially since the media is promoting organic foods. However, vegetable garden planting is not just about being “in”. It is also about keeping you and your family healthy by eating only organically grown foods, like vegetables, which are free from artificial fertilizers that take not only the taste away but minutes of your life since artificial fertilizers have been proven to be detrimental to ones’ health in the long run.

If you already have a vegetable garden of your own or planning to grown one, here are some vegetable garden planting tips that you can learn from.

Sun, Sun, and More Sun

Yes, one of the greatest vegetable garden planting tips any vegetable farmer knows is that the vegetable crops need sun, and lots of them. If you already have a vegetable garden, check to see if they get ample sun. If not, then move them to a place where the sun is the brightest.

The Soil Matters

It might not be much, but the soil does matter when it comes to vegetable garden planting. So before you plant your seeds, prepare your soil first. Dig up the soil where you are going to place the beds and break apart any compressed soil. Your vegetable garden will need a good drainage, and by breaking up solid soil, you are promoting good water flow to the roots.

Remove Weeds Earlier

Another vegetable garden planting tip is removing the weeds earlier. Do not wait for the weeds to grow. Remove them now because it will haunt you later if you do not. When removing your weeds, remove the rocks as well. Both of these two can compete for space once your vegetable garden is in bloom.

Know Your Vegetables’ Neighbors

Knowing your vegetables’ neighbors is a great planting tip. It pays to know that some vegetables, when planted close to another kind of vegetable, can inhibit or benefit its neighboring vegetable crop. For example, planting beans next to onions can inhibit the growth of the onions.

Keep Them Near

If you are constantly going to go out and pick vegetables from your garden, you should then plant them nearer your kitchen where you can easily look at them as they grow. If you need anything, it will be easier for you to go out and pick the vegetables that you will be needing for your dishes.