
Sep 11, 2009

Organic Vegetable Fertilizers - Sustain Healthy Soil

Just as human beings and animal life species require certain nutrients to sustain health, growth, and life, plant life needs nutrients as well. The necessary nutrients that plants need so that they are able to grow into healthy mature plants which will set and ripen their fruit is naturally found in soil that has not been depleted. However, because trace elements are washed away and nutrients become depleted, especially if chemical components have been used previously, or crops have not been rotated properly in previous years, soil needs to be replenished just as our bodies need to be replenished daily from the nutrients we consume in the foods we eat. If you notice that your vegetable plants are not growing well, lack vigor, have yellowing or purple leaves or seem to be especially susceptible to pests and diseases, they are suffering from a lack of nutrients in the soil.

By using natural organic fertilizers, you will maintain healthy soil in your vegetable garden for many years, because instead of eliminating important living organisms from your soil, you will allow these creatures to thrive and continue creating the correct nutritional organism balance in your soil.

In addition to starting your vegetable garden with healthy compost, organic vegetable fertilizer supplements may be needed for soil nutrient replenishment. Just as the human body gets a more balanced nutrient replenishment by eating natural and whole foods rather than synthetic supplements, vegetable plants, likewise, receive a more balanced nutrient resource from whole food sources such as organic fertilizers that are made from decomposted plant matter, composted manures or fish emulsions.

Just like chemical fertilizers, most commercially produced organic fertilizers list their content with three bold numbers which indicate the percentage balance of N-P-K or the three compounds: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium aka potash. While plants need nitrogen for increased protein and green leaves, phosphorus for healthy roots and flowers, and potassium for overall health of the plants, they also need the micronutrients and trace minerals found in natural sources.

Balanced organic vegetable fertilizer products are best for vegetable gardens. The composition of the organic fertilizer should offer a slow release and a low concentration formula for vegetable plants. These safe fertilizers are commercially available in liquid or solid forms at your local nursery or online.

You can also make your own organic vegetable fertilizer from seed meals which are a by product of vegetable oil production, and a mixture of agricultural lime, gypsum lime, dolomite lime, guano, rock phosphate and kelp meal.

Organic vegetable gardening is not new, rather it is the oldest and most economical way of growing vegetables as well as providing healthier and more tasty vegetables, while benefiting and sustaining the Earth itself.