
Oct 5, 2009

The Basic Planning of an Italian Herb Garden

In order to have the best garden possible, you will want to properly plant it. The Italian herb garden is no exception to this rule. Many people would like to start an herb garden to accompany their cooking. In order to do this, you may need to make some accommodations. Take into consideration light, wind and rain. This allows the plants to get what they need to thrive. It is possible to give every plant what it needs without making others suffer. With the right plan in place, you will be able to enjoy your garden for years to come.

The first thing you will want to do is choose the right land. Herbs grow best when on level ground. The ground itself should not be in a depression. This is because the rain will collect in a pool and drown your plants. Avoid having your plants on a slope, as water will wash away protective topsoil. Remember, the more level the ground is, the more likely your plants will get the right amount of water. Another benefit is the height of your plants can be featured by being on level ground.

The Italian herb garden prefers hot and dry climates. This does not mean to water your plants less. The best idea is to check the seed packet. The climate and humidity levels are usually labeled. You can plant the herbs, which will grow best in your environment. You may want to plant your herbs next to other plants that absorb moisture. Box hedges are great for providing shade and sucking extra moisture out of the air. This is because of the amount of leaves the hedges have.

The height of the plants in your Italian herb garden will determine where they should be planted. Looking on the back of the seed packet tells you how tall they grow. You want to keep in mind the amount of sun the herb will need as well as root structure. Hedges can offer partial shade during the later part of the day. Herbs that are short and require lots of sun need to be planted in shade free areas. Keep in mind not to plant too many shrubs close to each other. They compete for water in the ground. This starves other herbs from the water and nutrients they need.

The soil you plant your Italian herb garden in will make a difference in how well they grow. Herbs prefer soil, which is not hard packed. Loose soil is best when it is low in nutrients and lime. One thing to be careful of is making sure your soil is not water logged after a rain. Make sure your soil is retaining the proper amount of water. You can accomplish this using gravel and sand. This will give you a happy balance for healthier plants. Not only will this allow your herbs to grow, but also it is very attractive.

Making your herbs accessible is another big point in planning. Using what you grow in your Italian herb garden actually helps the plants to survive. The more accessible they are the more likely you are to tend to them. The more you tend to your plants the healthier they will be. The trade off is you will also feel better by getting more involved. The aromas and the activity will be good for your overall health.